Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The One Who Waits by Bradbury Essay - 1227 Words

The text under analysis is a short story â€Å"The One Who Waits† by Ray Bradbury. â€Å"The one who waits† is a science fiction story. Like in many other Bradbury’s stories, the action takes place in future when it is possible to travel to other planets. The story describes one of the first landings on Mars . It is narrated in the 1st person by a mysterious creature, en entity who lives in a well on Mars. It has no body and itself doesn’t know who it is. The creature watches how a spaceship arrives from the Earth and the astronauts get outside. The creature has the ability to get inside a human being, to get control of his body and mind. So one by one it captures all the astronauts and kills them. The 1st one, Jones dies from†¦show more content†¦It is eternal and infinite like the universe. A category of time or age cannot be applied to it. It remembers the time when the world was young. It says: â€Å"I am sad and I am old†. It appears t hat the creature has done before what it did to these astronauts but it was as long as 10 thousand years ago. That is why it is enchanted and hypnotised with the most ordinary human sensations and actions: â€Å"It is good to nod†, â€Å"It is good to breathe†, â€Å"It is good to feel structure of ivory†, â€Å"It is good to hear†, â€Å"It is good walking†, â€Å"it is good to do several things after 10 thousand years†. The verb â€Å"to wait† is used a lot of times and mentioned in the title of the story. Waiting is a constant, eternal condition in which the creature is. Only once a few thousand years when someone arrives on Mars there is a change for a short period of time. So the verb in the title does not implicate any action. In this case, waiting is not a action, not a process but a static condition in which the character stays. To impression of immobility, stillness in also emphasized by the fact that the predominant tense of narration is Present Indefinite which is rather unusual for creative prose. The actions that are taking place at the moment of speaking are supposed to be described in present continuous. But in the story we find: I listen, now I hover, I rise in the air, I turn in the sun. The category of time is evasive. At oneShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of All Summer In A Day By Ray Bradbury827 Words   |  4 PagesHow do people become ignorant? May it be from the surroundings one grows up in or a societal stigma they’ve learned from one’s years in the world? Or maybe, from the sheer jealousy one has towards another? This is case in the short story â€Å"All Summer In A Day† by Ray Bradbury. The story entails a young girl by the age of 9 who has relocated to the planet of Venus. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Day The Class Of 2016 - 955 Words

Friends, family, faculty and peers, we are gathered here today to celebrate a supposedly joyous and momentous day in all of our lives. Today is the day the class of 2016 turns a page in the book of life and begins a new chapter adequately entitled: the real world. What will we inherit beyond high school? I wish I could forecast to all of you an idealistic image of optimism, but if I did, I would be lying. Sadly, we ve all been lied to enough already. Standing here today, I see a foreboding, ominous, storm brewing in the distance. What is to blame? The educational system that has so commonly failed all of us; a sentiment we have grown accustomed to. We all know the world is changing at a lightning fast speed, and so, if we don’t want to be behind we all must adapt to its accelerating speed. To be frank, this is the daunting task that will make or break all of our futures. No longer is a successful education about storing knowledge in our heads. If we need to find information about a topic all we need to do is ask Google, and within a fraction of a second Google finds millions of pages of information about our inquiry. So then the question arises, what role must education play in tomorrow, and even today s, society? The answer is quite simple; what education needs to be about is teaching students what to do with the billions of gigabytes of information that is a simple mouse click away. This leads me to the unsettling part, our past four years of high school, and,Show MoreRelatedProposal For Services For First Class Automotive Repair1081 Words   |  5 PagesINDUSTRIES PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES For First Class Automotive Repair OVERVIEW Omnibus Industries is pleased to submit this proposal for services to assist First Class Automotive Repair with expanding its operation, both online and offline by providing a complete web presence solution and marketing strategy. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Colleges should provide as much money for sports Free Essays

In todays generation book is not the only knowledge which is enough for practical life, practical knowledge is equally important as the knowledge which we get from books. In context of Nepal schools and colleges don’t seem to provide as much money for sports activities as they provide for libraries. Many people think that book gives us all the cognition but I disagree. We will write a custom essay sample on Colleges should provide as much money for sports or any similar topic only for you Order Now We live in a generation filled with competing students. Yes, it is true that studies are the most important pillar for student’s good uture but sports is equally important. Regular participation in sport activities will help a student to keep his/her body fit and mind fresh. If students are involved in sports then they will know what they’re good at, because there is a very good career in sports too and they may even choose to follow that career. Colleges spend too much money for libraries but hesitate to spend money for sports but it is not healthy to do so even biologically because if a student only studies and doesn’t take part in ny sports activities then his mind automatically becomes dull and all that he has studied might not get inside his head, which will be useless. Its 21st century, a modernized time, where people are interested in people who are good at both education as well as sports. It isn’t enough for people to be good Just studies; they should also be good at sports. As it is said â€Å"A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body’, Just like that sports helps us our maintain our physical fitness nd mental abilities come to the conclusion that a good physical condition creates a strong mental power. Just studying makes people dull and Just sitting in one place for a long time makes us lazy and physically unfit. I know we students should study but we should also give our body some time to relax by playing games so that it can get some break by all that studying. Some parents might think sports are unnecessary but it is actually very important for a child to go out and play and have some fun. How to cite Colleges should provide as much money for sports, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Boiler Room free essay sample

In the film Boiler Room a young man joins a risky stock brokerage firm. As he makes his way to the top of the chain in this hot new firm he comes to realize its not a legitimate nor legal business they’re running. In this â€Å"chop shop† many laws are bended and broken in order for them to make the easier faster buck. The most successful way they earn cash crookedly is with bridge financing. With every sale the brokers earn more than a 5% rip, which is against SEC regulations. Another rule they break routinely is the act of lying for just about everything. When these crooked tactics are put to use they sometimes come out on top. Other times they’ll crash and burn along with the person they sell to. When the firm guys get the hunger for money they’re ferocious, each one out to make some cold hard cash fast. We will write a custom essay sample on Boiler Room or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And the fastest and easiest way to do that is with bridge financing. This is what the whole firm is based on, a system in which they sell stock to people for a company that isn’t on the market yet. They build up income from those shares and let the market crash afterwards. In this chop shop its very unlikely that investors will make money off the stocks. With this method though these guys are making incredible profit because they always have cash coming in but no cash going out. They also take bigger rips from the shares than they should. With every sale a stockbroker can earn up to 5% of each share. These guys are taking more than they can handle on each share, which increases their profit on each sale. Then firm makes most all its business by handling bum stocks then taking a bigger rip than any other firm. With each transaction comes a lot of cash toward the individual Broker that handled the deal. In order for these guys to get a bum deal out in the open is lie through there teeth. In most all dealing with the bum stocks, the brokers of the chop shop would lie to each customer to try and get them to keep buying shares. Each guy had a new way to prove to his customer that they were making it big and heading there fast. If a new stock was in they were all over it no matter if it was golden or crap. They could hype an old pair of stinky sneakers to seem like lady Madonna’s new suede shoes. That’s the thing though these guys are really good at what they do, and if it were legitimate theyd be cool. But there lying, cheating and sometimes stealing. And when everything finally catches up with them they go down hard.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Research Paper on Bubble Gum Essay Example

Research Paper on Bubble Gum Essay Bubble Gum Hsitory and Facts Bubble gum is a variant of the chewing gum that allows chewers to make bubbles with it. It was invented in 1928 by Walter Diemer who searched for new recipes of the chewing gum. The new recipe Diemer has found made the gum more stretchable and less sticky, which allowed the mentioned effect. It was called Dubble Bubble for such an extraordinary ability to stretch. College or university students whose task is to write a solid research paper on bubble gum have to show some creativity to prepare a really decent research paper because today it is very difficult to be authentic and original. They have to present well-known facts, such as why bubble gum was originally pink, or what material is used to produce chewing gum the old days and what is used now, in totally new light and angle so that the audience have found their research project interesting and maybe even inspiring. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Bubble Gum specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Bubble Gum specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Bubble Gum specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer These complex task, however, blur the structure and the way of presentation required by the style of scientific writing, which the writers can easily consult free sample research papers on bubble gum, they can find in quantity on the Web. These free samples may be safely used as a guide on the proper procedure of scientific text writing and may be considered an example of research paper. In early fifties bubble gum become incredibly popular. The trend was so strong that even lead actors and the first rank politicians could be noticed blowing bubbles in public. The completions on blowing the biggest bubble was also very popular. After being tremendously popular for over five decades, bubble gum sales markedly declined over the past few years. The reasons for such a phenomenon are bad marketing and weakening of the â€Å"chewing† trend. As opposed to the popular opinion that bubble gum taste is due to the unique recipe, this is the taste the pure gum with adding some components, used when making usual chewing gum, such as fruit extracts and various others not known to the wide public. It is known, however, that modern bubble gum consists first of all of masticatory basis (mainly synthetic polymers) sometimes with the add of material from juice of Sapodilla tree or from the soft resin of conifers. It also includes flavours, preservatives and other food additions. Thus, the writers have to explore, investigate and correlate all these facts, add to them their own opinion on the matter and present it as a result of their study, new research revealing new nuances in this old and well know story.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Analysis of Anne Bradstreet’s Poems Essays

Analysis of Anne Bradstreet’s Poems Essays Analysis of Anne Bradstreet’s Poems Paper Analysis of Anne Bradstreet’s Poems Paper Essay Topic: Anne Bradstreet Poems ENGL2010 February 10, 2013 Analysis of Anne Bradstreet’s Poems Anne Bradstreet’s poem In Reference to Her Children, 23 June 1659 is a poem telling of her love, care, and worries for her children. In Reference to her Children† is both metaphorical and symbolic, expressing everything from pathos to love and a hope for her eternal reward. (www. papermasters. com) The poem is structured with a single stanza with every other line rhyming. The speaker seems to be speaking to a semi- private audience given the intimacy of the poem, and the way it speaks to the children. The tone of this poem is familiar, using the language in an abstract way by being birds; but the language is also concrete, and it is not hard to understand what this mother is trying to say. In lines 1-40, Bradstreet sets up an image of a mother bird and her nest filled with babies: four girls and four boys, representative of a human mother and her children. The speaker seems to be Bradstreet, speaking the poem first as a story about her children, as the tone changes near the end of the poem though it is clear she is writing the poem to her children. The speaker tells an emotional story of her time and experiences with her children over the years of them discovering their own independent lives. Bradstreet uses this poem to express her love and worries for her children as they grow and develop their own lives. The tone of this poem seems to be semi joyful, and familiar in the beginning, of a mother telling about her children being born and nursed with pain and care. In line four, the speaker tells of sparing nothing in order to take care of her young; showing how deep her love is for them. At first it sounds joyful as she speaks of how her young â€Å"Mounted the trees, and learned to sing† (Bradstreet) this line gives the sense of joy that comes with learning, nature and singing. The tone then changes, while the speaker is telling of her oldest bird growing up and taking flight, she becomes very sad because she worries for and misses her son. The speaker tells how most of her young have moved on, telling of their ambitions and circumstances of leaving. She makes it clear in lines 11 and 12 she does not want to let her children go, she needs them to be with her where she can enjoy singing and caring for them. There are five children who have left her home, leaving her with three at home. She expresses worries for the three because they soon will â€Å"take their flight† (Bradstreet). This poem shows a sincere care for the children, wishing them well. The speaker talks of praying for her children and only wanting good to come to their lives. Her thoughts stay steady of her children throughout the whole poem, this poem is the result of the endless love and care she has for her children. After telling of how her children came to spread their wings, the tone turns sad, while acknowledging her natural fears as a mother. She says, â€Å"If birds could weep, then my would my tears†; â€Å"Let others know what are my fears† (lines 41, 42) shows how much she fears for the children’s safety. The speaker begins to imagine a sequence of bad events that could happen to the children. The speaker finds herself overwhelmed with sadness and thoughts of how tenderly she cared for her children. The speaker tells of her raw emotions in line 60, expressing the intense pain her worrying is causing her body; â€Å"My throbs such now as ‘fore were never’. One of the speakers concerns are the ignorance’s of danger, because of this concern line 65 warns her children saying 62, â€Å"to your safety have and eye, so happy may you live and die†. This part of the poem makes it more obvious that she is speaking directly to her children. The poem takes a slight turn in tones, the speaker goes from pure worry and stress about her children to a sense of acceptance. Statement that sticks out in showing acceptance are; â€Å"Meanwhile my days in tunes ill spend Till my weak lays (poems) with me shall end† (lines 67-68); â€Å"In shady woods ill sit and sing, And things that passed to mind ill bring†(69-70). These lines are the first ones in which she really indicated anything of herself and what she will do, without involving the children except by memories. This shows some signs of accepting her children have to do what they will and admitting she will continue to move forward without them in her nest. The speaker goes on to speak of not lamenting her age; this shows she accepts the years that have gone by and has no regrets. The speaker is accepting her age and the fact that her flight is soon to come; but this will be the most important flight, the one to her heaven. After she begins to accept her age and the fact that her children are developing their own lives the poem takes on a sense of contentment. The poem In Reference to Her Children seems to be a sort of therapy for Bradstreet as she goes though the stages of grieving for her children. The poem shows all the different stages of acceptance, during a situation that was started with uncertainty. Bradstreet was one of the first American poets since the movement from England. Like many women writers in the nineteenth century, Bradstreet used print to publicize the supposedly private experiences of a woman. (VanEgen) Bradstreet was heavily criticized for this, being as the puritan view saw women as mothers and wives and nothing more, using her poems for reasons to say she must be a bad mother, puritan or wife because of her time used to write. In reality Bradstreet was good at all of those things finding the time to write after her work as a mother. Bradstreet found a way to find a public voice without violating cultural standards of privacy; she brought attention to the experiences of women and helped to re-envision their place in a society centered on the home (VanEgen). She uses her poems as a tool that helps her to accept and analyze the situations she finds herself in. he care and thought she puts into her words are a kind of organizer for her feelings and wants a way to see her life in a new perspective, helping her to cope or accept. Bradstreet, Anne. In Reference to her Children, 23 June1659. New York: New York, 2012. Print, 20 Feb. 2013. VanEngen, Abram. Advertising the domestic: Anne Bradstreets sentimental poetics. Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 28. 1 (2011): 47+. Academic OneFile. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. Analysis of â€Å"In Reference to Her Children†. Paper Masters Custom Writing Service Web, 20 Feb. 2013

Friday, November 22, 2019

Internet & Portals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Internet & Portals - Essay Example The site also has a smaller navigation on the top, which has 4 elements: Today’s Deals, Help, 1 Promotion offer, and Gift Cards. It also has some great features such as people who bought this also bought... The amazon.com site makes use of the structural element TABLE by the way they have set its border attribute to zero. This was achieved through: (). By doing this, they made sure that the table was invisible to the users. They divide the pages by placing the contents of a page in different cells of the table (Baun 99). This allows the page to be divided into different sections with elements of the site appearing on different parts of the site. One of the tools that are used on this site for content, structure, and management is the portal working place which is mostly advocated for by the fact that the site offers affordable services. In order to avoid there being technical issues that are associated with the compliance with JSR168, the site makes use of Java based portal products. This enables them to manage the content of the site, with relation to the widely changing nature of .NET applications especially those involving such sites. Another important thing that should be noted about this site is its taxonomy. Taxonomy refers to the process of classification of things in accordance to a predetermined system. In relation to websites, it will be important to note that taxonomy refers to the manner in which data are arranged into and subcategories. The taxonomy of this site is done in terms of topic. This can be seen in the way the data on the site are arranged in terms of issues, topics, and special interests. The main advantage that amazon.com gets from using this type of taxonomy is that it enables their clients to freely navigate through their data during the process of finding that which is relevant to them. It also enables users of the site relate to the content of the site to their topics. This is

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Managing Diversity in British Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Diversity in British Schools - Essay Example Instead of segregation they could be taught in conventional schools with teachers pointing their weak areas. The Government needs to provide resources to schools of the minorities and ensure that they do not undergo racial abuse by teachers and fellows. Therefore these boys seem to need special attention from their teachers and proper care, love and support from their parents which could be obtained by training. This paper intends to highlight the reporting of standards of achievement and behavior in British Schools while finding out the reasons for the problems of blacks in Britain face. Three articles taken from different sources were analyzed and the findings from those are given below. In this article, Trevor Phillips, the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, plans to deal with the under- achievement of the black students. It is known that there has been two times as many blacks in prison as there are studying in the university. In order to increase their achievement level it is believed that they should be taught separately from the white students and it is also essential to have parental support. He said that "The Windsor Fellowship", which is mainly for ethnic minority children, have mentored their students excellently that 100% of their students passed with good GCSE grades in London while 75% in Birmingham last year. Keith Va Keith Vaz, the Labour MP for Leicester East, criticized and fears that this would further enhance the segregation and lead to encouraging the feeling of being different. He says that the normal schools should provide additional help required by the failing minority students. Phillips believes that poverty is neither the reason for the poor performance of the black boys, nor white people regarding them as inferior. As their sisters perform well so does the Chinese and Indian students who also suffer from discrimination as perform far better than black boys. [7] Objectivity or Interest of the Writers The writer cares about the welfare of the students of the ethnic minorities and suggests ways of improving their educational achievements especially those of the black boys, who seem to be spending their lives in prison, mainly by segregating schools but believes that racial discrimination is not the reason for their poor performance. The writer believes that poverty is not the major reason behind the low achievement but it is actually under-employment which is the main reason. The black boy after graduation do not get job up to their capabilities which is seen by children and is believed that education is not the solution. Hence they indulge in crime which seems manlier than education. [6] The major reason for the black boys performing low is the racial abuse in the schools which needs to be stopped as it results not only in poor results but dropping out of schools. This eventually leads them to commit illegal act like robbery and drug trafficking. Hence every student should be welcomed and diversity should be accepted in schools especially by the white teachers and students. [4] The minorities and blacks students must have seen their parents work so hard and their employer's under-utilizing their skills, leaving them to dwell in poverty. Hence it leaves an impression on

Monday, November 18, 2019

Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final Exam - Essay Example It is a fact that the communication hierarchies within the organizations are comprised of long-lasting issues which might not be that strong in depth but consume a large amount of time on the part of the employees, the managers and indeed the entire organization. This is one of the main reasons why long meetings and debates are continuously held over a period of time, which essentially ransacks the entire fabric of the organization and is therefore a deterrent towards the work ethos which is spoken of highly within any organization in this day and age. What is even more interesting is the ideology that surrounds the ramifications and consequences of the manager-employee linkages, the team dynamics and lastly the communication issues within the cultural variances that exist within the workplace domains. An example that could be provided here within the communication of technical information is the one that spans a manager which is at odds with detailing an employee as per his respecti ve work regimes but the employee simply does not understand the nuances behind the technical jargon or lingo (Laroche, 2003). The employee ends up wasting a lot of time which could have been utilized somewhere else and in a better way nonetheless. Therefore such issues consume a lot of time and are wide in nature than being deep at all. 4.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Difference Between School Strategic Management Resource Business Essay

The Difference Between School Strategic Management Resource Business Essay The design school is applied by formulating clear and unique strategies in a deliberate process. The design school is also known as process of conception, in this process, the internal situation of the organization of the environment .The planning school; thorough steps are taken from the moment of the analysis of the situation to the actual execution. The positioning school, this is also known as analytical process, this strategy is used by placing the organization within its industry, and looks at how the organization can improve its position with their respective industry. Even though approaches to the design, planning and positioning are different, the design and planning schools are both prescriptive in character, as is the positioning school of thought. In the three schools of thought discussed above, the environment is seen as relatively constant (Volberda Elfring, 2001). Resource based view, is a method of looking at the firm as a bundle of resources in turn of approaching strategy (Powell, 2005).To achieve sustainable competitive advantages ,resource based view evaluates internal resources of the organization and emphasizes resources and capabilities (Madhani, 2009).To enable firms carry out their activities , resources can be considered as inputs .Strategic choices decided by firm while competing in external business environment is determined by internal resources and capabilities (Madhani, 2009) The most significant difference between the perspective school of management and resource based view is that the strategic school of management emphasizes economies of scale and scope such as giving a guide to organization on acquisition, mergers and diversification, budgeting, and analyzing the organizations position within the industry resource based view emphasizing on brand and value creation. While the perspective schools use tools such as Swot analysis, scenario planning and five forces in order to think, program and analyze, resource based view makes an organization to look at their tangible and intangible assets, processes, skills and the leadership aspect of the company .In order to illustrate the significant differences, I would like to compare the differences between the schools of perspective and resource based view. Positioning school enable an organization to identify their position by identifying cost leadership, focus and differentiation,(à Ã‚ rà Ã‚ µnd, 2006 ), while on the other hand RBV gives importance to the leadership level of the organization and views the firm as bunch of resources which is said in the above. However, organization who effectively able to use both of them effectively it would benefit the organization in order to reach their goal and know where they stand, for example they are able to use the SWOT analysis to identify their strength, weakness, opportunities and threats and at the same time use the resource based view to identify what values or brand name in the organization which can be seen as a large asset to the organization. The biggest advantage of resource-based view is that the resource one company holds are hard to be practiced by a competitor. How do these different approaches allow to gain insights into the way successful organizations execute strategy? In order to succeed, companies have to deal with different parts of strategies independently and practice balanced strategies and apply a balanced approach to business system. Many organizations have successfully used these different approaches and executing strategy. I would be using 3 case studies in order to give a better on how this organization uses these different approaches to execute their strategy. Case study #1 Business Management Case Study: How Cisco Applies Companywide Expertise for Integrating Acquired Companies Cisco is a IT company which uses resource based view and the design school. Cisco uses acquisition of other companies to rapidly offer new products, reach new markets, and grow revenue (Cisco, n.d.). Since 1993, the organization have acquired more than 120 companies which consist of small startups to large established firms such as Linksys, Scientific Atlanta, and WebE (Cisco, n.d.). The phases, which is followed by Cisco, clearly illustrates that the organization is effectively using resource-based view and designing school. By using their internal resources such as cross-function teams, common principles, and standard processes, Cisco has developed a formal, repeatable approach to acquisition integration (Cisco, n.d.). The acquisition integration is done by using 3 phases, firstly discovery and planning, where the organization they assess their scope, model their business and integration planning, the second phase, execution, the organization ensure that they are operational readin ess and activate their employee, resources and integration task in order to execute the deal with the acquired company, and the final phase, monitoring, ongoing measurement an adjustment of the integration activity (Cisco, n.d.).As stated by Graeme Wood, Direct of the acquisition integration, in the case study, Cisco centralizes acquisition integration as it is effect and allow them to capture best practices, use their skills and resources more effectively and apply discipline and over sight to the entire acquisition process (Cisco, n.d.). Another statement from Pat Belotti, senior manager of sales acquisition in the case study, integrated Cisco worldwide sales operation, the most important benefit of Ciscos standard integration process that the process help Cisco avoid a purge in revenues, in fact the organization is able to increase their revenues rapidly by applying the organizations resources to assist the acquitted sales department reach their maximum potential (Cisco, n.d.) Case Study #2 Adding value through asset optimization, an Anglo American Case study In this case study Anglo American, a mining company which has a vision of becoming the investment partner and employer of choice in the mining industry, one of its strategy to achieve that ambition is asset optimization and by executing its strategy has been able to achieve on its stated target of saving $1 billion from core operations by 2011 (Anglo American, n.d.). This strategy was executed using the school of planning and resource based view theoretical approaches, in order to achieve their ambition and decided a target of $ 1 Billion from their operations (planning), they decided to optimize their assets. A important feature of development within the asset optimization program was its design, piloting and introduction into Anglo Americans day-to-day business in order for this strategy to be executed a formalized internal process called Operation reviewers, this team was full consist of Anglo Americans internal resources, initially they reviewed their operations, Anglo American c onsistently review their process to make sure that the process is efficient as possible, the operations reviewers apply a structured evaluation process in three functional areas which are operational improvement , technical assessment , safety and sustainable development assessment they combined their central technical capacity with the operational expertise to create a team and focused on delivering value from operational improvement (Anglo American, n.d.). Anglo Americans optimization process sets out a clear view of how operational improvement can be planned for. There are five phases, starting with recognizing an opportunity (investigate numerous ways to lower the mines carbon footprint) followed by the idea stage (found out that a mobile flare design would solve the problem) followed by the initiative stage (a detailed plan were created by technical expert from Anglo American) and finishing with putting an improvement into practice (Anglo American, n.d.). Anglo American has eff ectively used the school of planning and resource based view by effectively planning the asset optimization using their resources and as a result has gained sustainable benefits worth billion of pounds. (Anglo American, n.d.) Case Study #3 Delivering a business strategy, a TNT case study In this case study, TNT, a business to business express delivery service and how the organization is delivering a business strategy using school of positioning and resource based view .In the case study TNT has identified that their organization has a distinctive position and that their market position is based on differentiating itself from rival through their intangible resources (resource based view) (TNT, n.d.), TNT has developed a strategy map that puts the customer on the top at their highest priority of the business (TNT, n.d.). The organization wants everyone involved with the business informed on how the organization will be able to achieve its goals (TNT, n.d.).The TNT case study of Delivering a business strategy shows that Operational Excellence is achieved through a strong foundation of fast, reliable and quality services (TNT, n.d.). From there, by understanding what different customers expect, the organization is able to improve the customer relationship and experience (TNT, n.d.). By building a stronger customer relationship the organization is able to build a higher level of loyalty and commitment. The organization views the innovation process is about identifying the future needs of the organizations customers and by establishing a stronger relationship the business is able to develop a joint approach and shared vision (TNT, n.d.). This strategy map involves quality employees in order to meet their aims and effectively carry out the strategy. In the case study, TNT have stated their mission to surpass customers expectations and experience in the transfer of their goods and documents all around the world and by delivering value to the organizations customers by providing the most reliable and efficient solutions through their delivery networks and seek to lead the industry by instilling pride in their people and at the same time creating value for our stakeholders and be socially responsible around the world (TNT, n.d.). In order to achieve thei r aim TNTs biggest resource is their employees from various departments such as distribution, sales and marketing, finance, customer service and HR. .To ensure employees standards keep on growing, TNT emphasizes on development of employees (TNT, n.d.). By developing the organizations biggest resource, people, the organization ensures that it will have the capability to meet and implement quickly any necessary changes in the organizations strategy (TNT, n.d.).The organization also nurture new employees fresh from the market by offering a in house a five year apprenticeship program for people under 22 years old (TNT, n.d.) .TNT has successfully have used the positioning school and resource based view and successfully have a crafted an effective strategy. Conclusion A competitive advantage gives organization-enhanced capabilities for developing and delivering strategic value. Companies should have several competitive advantages, difficult to copy or duplicate, and sustainable over the long-term (Williams, 2007). The three companies above from the three case studies above has clearly have illustration combining school of taught to achieve their mission and vision.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Knowing the Strength of Your Buying Power :: Nike Public Relations Retail Media Essays

Knowing the Strength of Your Buying Power Reliable news sources have publicly exposed the grim working conditions of people employed by contractors making Nike products in Indonesia, Haiti and Vietnam. Nike’s association with the exploitation of third world workers has fueled a worldwide boycott on their products. Positive public relations are very important to Nike, who has positioned themselves through expensive advertising campaigns as a very strong competitor in the market of athletic shoes. Those running Nike are very aware that any negative association with the company’s name will be detrimental to its success. Nike’s name has become synonymous with the successful slogan â€Å"just do it.† Their association with sweatshops is contradictory and ruinous to their self promoted image as the champions of personal achievement. Nike must maintain a positive public image in order to continue to seduce consumers into choosing them over the competitor. So, when enough people were paying attention to Nike’s unscrupulous business practices, Nike was pushed to respond. Through the boycott, concerned consumers were able to get Nike to acknowledge and address the inhumane conditions at the factories they subcontract work to. Although there has not yet been complete resolve with Nike, concerned consumers have shown their power to be heard. Through consumer action we can create positive changes personally and politically. Many publications -- the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Sydney Morning Herald, Life Magazine -- have reported on the unjust treatment of workers making Nike products. There are reports of children sewing soccer balls for 60 cents a day, workers being beaten, sexually harassed, collapsing from exhaustion, being fired on the account of taking sick leave, working in hazardous conditions, being paid below a livable wage and the list goes on. This kind of flagrant exploitation is illegal in America. We have created laws to protect the unempowered worker from being taken advantage of by the empowered boss. On American soil, we are forced by the law to conduct business with a certain amount of moral decency and through these enforced labor laws we have developed a social understanding and agreement on humane treatment in business. But, because American workers have restricted overtime hours and a higher living wage then those in third world countries, manufacturing goods here is more costly. So, to increase profit margins, many U.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Health and Safety Project Essay

This work-based project forms an important part of your training. The aim of this project is to familiarise yourself with your working environment and the Health and Safety issues that arise in your placement. On completion you should: Understand the structure your organisation’s; and your role in it Understand the importance of Health and Safety at work Understand the legal requirements of Health and Safety at work Know your organization’s health, hygiene and accident procedures To complete this assignment you may need to make notes in before filling in the information. Take your time and carefully answer every question as fully as possible; the more you write the more criteria you will meet. If you need any help please speak to your workplace supervisor, your colleagues, your College tutor or your Training Co-ordinator. Describe your placement, e.g. busy town/country, client group (age, culture, special needs): The site that Oakland’s is situated on was once the site of the old Parcroft Juniors School, which was torn down and rebuilt with the merger of the Westfield Infant’s. The newly reformed school was named after the old oak tree, which still stands on the grounds of the school and has done for 300 years. So it was only fitting that the school was named Oakland’s, and when you talk to past pupils who attended Parcroft, they always fondly remember playing marbles or chase under the oak trees branches. Oakland’s Primary School is based within the busy town of Yeovil and is situated between Preston Grove, Linden Road and Summerleaze Park. It is a modern High Tec school with all the modern facilities you would expect. The school was built on one level giving easy access to all able bodied and  unable bodied pupils alike to attend the school. The building is quiet self efficient and generates its own electric with solar panels, has under floor heating to heat the school throughout and even the lights run on sensors to turn on and off when you enter and exit a room. Each classroom is fitted with large touch screen boards, which the teachers can run from their laptops giving them a huge range of access to a wide range of teaching resources, enhancing the pupils learning to the up most and keeping them interactive with their learning. Roughly 420 pupils attend the school, ranging from the ages of 4 years up to 11 years old. The school uniform is a purple jumper with the school emblem of an Oak Tree, white sweatshirts, grey trousers or skirts and black shoes. Each of the 14 classes within the school has been named after an animal, giving each class its own identity, including a mascot. There is also four teams throughout the school, which is used within each classroom and the children are encourage to win team points for their team so that at the end of the school year their team can win the team cup. This helps with the pupils taking pride in their achievements and to try hard to earn a point. There are many facilities within the school and on the surrounding grounds of the school, these include: The I.C.T suite where the children learn how to use computers, from word processing to using the internet safely. The school hall which is used for weekly assemblies, indoor sports activities, and even the Christmas nativity plays. The music room which is full of many different musical instruments, letting the pupils express themselves and learn about music. The fully equipped cookery room were the pupils learn about healthy eating and different foods from around the world. This is also where the breakfast club is held every morning. Then there is Forest school which is held in a purpose built log cabin surrounded by trees and a wildlife garden. This is where pupils go for environmental studies, to learn about insects, plants, animals and the environment. The Outdoor facilities include several outside learning areas that are used throughout the day depending on weather. There are also extensive fields, several play areas and two activity play areas. Oakland’s Primary also offers a large range of activities and clubs after school, which range from performance arts, music, sports, computer clubs and gardening clubs. There is also a holiday care  scheme which offers families affordable, childcare. Within Oakland’s there is also an Autism Base which is known as Peacocks Class. This based within it’s own sector of the school’s main building and is solely run by the council and has its own staff. The base consists of two teaching areas, two sensory rooms, a kitchen, a toilet and its own outside area. Non-Statutory requirements (in your workplace) What is the ratio of adults to children? In Foundation and Key Stage One the ratio of adults to children is 1 to 10 In Key Stage Two the ratio of adults to children is 1 to 15 Are the ratios different in any other room at work; if yes please give details? Yes in the Autism base the ratio of adult to children is different. Statutory requirements What are the statutory requirements regarding adult: child ratios? The EYFS states that the adult to child ratio within classes with children over the age of three should be 1 Adult to 13 Children. But must be a qualified teacher, or hold a relevant level 6 qualification. It also states that there should also be at least one other member of staff within the classroom that holds a level 3 qualification. However if the teacher is absent from the classroom then the ratio requirements change and it is recommended that it should be 1 Adult to 8 Children. But must hold a level qualification and the other staff within the classroom should hold a level 2 qualification. On school trips the ratios change again dependent on the type of trip. Also these can change when dependant on certain circumstances and other factors, which could Include if any of the pupils have special educational needs or medical needs. It can also be altered depending on the experience and competence of the staff attending the trip, including the number of first aiders going along. It is recommended that the ratios should follow: 1:6 for years 1 to 3, 1:10 for years 4 to 6, and 1: 15 / 20 for years 7 upwards. Why are these necessary? To make sure that the children are being educated and taken care of correctly and are under the supervision of qualified staff members. What are the statutory requirements regarding space? Class sizes: Schools must make sure that children aged between 5 years and 7 years aren’t taught in classes of more than 30 pupils. There is no legal limit for pupils aged 8 years and over. Why is this necessary? So that schools do not have oversized classes, as then the children do not get the attention they need to learn. Organisation and Structure of the Workplace Every organisation or business has its own basic structure of management. Each manager is responsible for those in their department. The structure can be set out like a pyramid. Responsibilities may differ. Please identify all staff roles and responsibilities; highlighting your own: Governors They school governors are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Head Teacher Has overall responsibility for the school, its staff, its pupils and the education they receive. Deputy Head Teacher Plays a major role in managing the school, particularly in the absence of the head teacher. Is also responsible for a curriculum area and specific areas of the school management, delegated to them by the Head Teacher. Inclusion Leader The special educational needs coordinator is responsible for day to day provisions for pupils with special educational needs. NQT Mentor They are responsible for the Newly Qualified Teachers, and are there to give support and guidance when needed. Foundation Stage Leader Responsible for children in foundation stage, leading the foundation team of teachers and teaching assistants. KS1 Leader To manage Key Stage 1 team of teachers and teaching assistants. KS2 Leader To manage Key Stage 2 team of teachers and teaching assistants. Phase Leaders Responsible for co-ordinating and motivating staff and children in their allocated phase to ensure high levels of achievement. Teachers Are responsible to plan, prepare and lessons to meet the needs of all their pupils in their care. Setting and marking work and recording pupil’s development as necessary. But also within Oakland’s each teacher is responsible for an area of the curriculum, such as; A curriculum coordinator for Numeracy, which makes them responsible for the leadership and management of the subject. Teaching Assistants To assist the classroom teacher to prepare for lessons such as resources that are required, or to put out equipment at the start of the lesson. To support the teacher in the day to day running of the classroom from up keeping data files, cataloguing resources, maintaining inventories, and photocopying. Undertaking learning activities with a small group of children, who may need extra support. Lunchtime Supervisors They look after the children during lunchtime breaks, so that most of the staff members are able to take their breaks. They take the children who have school dinners to the schools canteen, they also look after the pupils who bring pack lunch. Within one of their classroom or outside weather permitting. They are also first aid trained and look after the children whilst playing outside. Administration Staff There is a wide range of job roles within this department of the school, ranging from: First point of contact for the school either by telephone, email or face to face. Diary management for the Head teacher or departmental leaders Issue visitor passes where necessary and maintain signing in and out books Maintain data bases and filing systems Prepare correspondence and collect fees To contact parent/guardians for specific reasons when requested by staff and to request for collection of sick children on behalf of the staff. And many more jobs besides Site Staff Maintain the school, deal with cleaning, maintenance of equipment and the school building. Catering Staff Cater for the pupils and staff that eat within the canteen, with healthy food within their budget. Volunteers Helping within the school, with assisting the classroom teacher with tasks such as listening to pupils read, taking part on school trips and helping out at school fairs. List the things you have agreed with your employer that you are prohibited from doing: Entering the Autism base, Administering first aid to a pupil this must be done by a qualified first aider. What breaks are you entitled to? When working a full day within the school – from 8.45am to 3pm I am entitled to an hour for lunch. Though on occasions I may be required to cover a lunchtime supervisor duty, which then I will be allocated an hour within the afternoon. This is the same for break times, we are entitled to take the break ourselves or we may be asked to supervise. If you are unhappy with a health & safety issues what would you do? I would have to report this to the site service manager or to the deputy head teacher Risk Assessments Has your placement got a risk assessment policy? Yes – Every school and workplace must have a risk assessment policy. Where is it kept? Within the Administration Office Who has access to it? The HSE, The Governors, The Head Teacher, staff members and parents How often are they reviewed and why is this necessary? It is reviewed on a yearly basis unless any changes have to be implemented within the school. Then the risk assessment will be reviewed as a part of the process. Such as recently the school has had some staff members trained in manual lifting and so the risk assessment has to be updated for this new procedure within the school. Give an example of a risk assessment you have done and why? When reading with the foundation children one to one they have a tendency to swing on their chair. This has risks of the chair flipping backwards and the child following which in turn could cause harm to themselves. So I have had to ask them to sit properly and not to swing on their chair. Identify and list below 4 possible risks/hazards that might occur within your work placement and state how you would prevent each one?, explain how they will be monitored and reviewed 1. Pupils trapping fingers in the internal fire doors. The fire doors are extremely heavy to open to exit the classrooms or to enter the bathroom, especially for the less able bodied and the smaller children within foundation. These doors are on hinges and close back on themselves when opened. Are very heavy as they are designed to protect against fire. However I have witnessed children struggling with these doors. When trying to open these doors by themselves they tend to place one hand on the door frame as they use the other hand to open the door. If they where to lose grip of the door it would swing back and the likely hood of trapping their fingers is a high risk. The less able bodies students struggle even more so and they normally have a buddy within their classroom to open these doors for them. Which in turn takes away their independence, and they normally have a fear of getting stuck in the toilet or in room as they are unable to open these doors by themselves. I would look into adapting the doors by placing an electronic button system. Where the smaller children and the less able bodied children will be able to press a button and the door will automatically open for them. As it is impossible to loosen the hinges on the door as they will no longer work as intended. If this is not possible when a child needs to exit a room then an adult should always be present to assist. Preventing any accidents from happening, or a fear of getting stuck. 2. Tripping over chair leg in classroom When children are moving around the classroom it is often an possibility that they could trip over a chair leg. Either from the chair not being placed under a table properly or whilst another child is swinging on their chair. This could be very hazardous as they could fall and hit a side of a table or land badly on the ground. Add no swinging on your chair and to tuck away chairs properly when not being used onto the classroom rules. I would remind any of the children I see not tucking their chair away to do so, and at the end of class make a check that all chairs are tucked away correctly. I would also do the same with children swinging on their chair; I would ask them not to, and remind them of the class room rules. 3. Slipping on wet floors in the toilets Before break times and lunch times the children are all asked to go to the toilets and wash their hands. The children have a tendency to drip a large amount of water across the floor when walking over to the hand dryer. Which when you have approximately 30 children at once using the toilets the water can accumulate into a puddle of water, which becomes a slipping hazard. Allowing only ten children to use the toilets at a time to wash their hands. So that a teaching assistant could maintain the floor with a mop preventing puddles forming, then let the next ten children in once the teaching assistant has vacated. Another option could be before allowing the children  out of the class to use the toilet the teacher could remind them to shake the excess water off their hands over the sink before drying their hands. However the procedure they have set in the foundation classes works well where they set up two washing up bowls set within the classroom on tables. The children wash their hands under adult supervision and then dry their hands on towels. Makes it less children rushing through the toilets just to wash their hands. 4. Getting caught up and Tripping over Play bibs Within foundation the children are allowed out to play within the soft play area during lessons, but only in a group of five. To keep the group to only five children at a time there are five play bibs supplied which they have to wear whilst outside. However when a child wants to come back inside they have to take off the play bib, which then leaves a bib spare for another child to go out. It works in principle, and keeps the group to only five children at a time. However the children do not maintain putting the bibs back within the box after they are finished and they tend to just throw the play bibs down on the ground. This then becomes a tripping hazard and another child or member of staff could get their feet caught up within the bib and fall over, causing an injury. A box placed outside seems to be over looked by the children, so I would suggest placing a coat hook within the classroom, at their level by the door that they exit and enter to play outside. Then reaffirm that the play bibs must be hung up when not being used and remind the children when they drop the bib to hang it up or no play for them for the rest of the day. Offsite Safety What risk assessments do you need to complete before going of site/ on an outing? Oakland’s Primary employs an external Risk Assessment company, to carry out the risk assessments on behave of the school. They attend the site of the visit and make an assessment of the risks that may apply and forward the report back to the Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher. The report will be compiled of recommendations based on factors of the trip, and any control measures and contingencies that need to be set in place relating to the risks that could occur. From the report the school will then set in place the criteria based around the risks, such as: The age / competence / fitness / usual standard of behaviour of the pupils Any special educational / medical needs of the pupils Adult to Child ratios The competence / experience / qualifications of the adults Modes of transport, journey routes and location of the visit The correct attire that may need to be required depended on weather conditions and location of visit. Any emergency procedures When there is a less able bodied pupil attending the trip, the leading teacher will take a visit to the site themselves to evaluate the location and the facilities. This is so they can make sure that no child will miss out. They also take a visit to plan activities accordingly and to talk to any personnel that may work within the location of the visit, and to set out a timetable of the activities. Are the adult: child ratio’s different? Yes the ratios are different, and these depend on the location of the visit. What are your roles and responsibilities? I have done quite a few school trips, some have been to support my son during a school visit and have travelled either via the school mini bus or and in one instance myself and my son travelled by our own means of transport. When arriving at school we are given the activities schedule and what groups we will be in and the names of the children under our care. We check that all the children have brought everything they need, if not the school does try to provide anything that a child has forgotten or does not own, such a wellingtons, spare clothes etc. We run through the plan before leaving the classroom. On the mini bus I would support my son, during the journey and help the other two teaching assistants within the mini bus to keep the rest of the children entertained. We normally share out books, maths tasks or we will start some singing. Once we have arrived at the location I am put in charge of a small group of 4 to 5 children which includes my son and I follow one of the leading teachers during the activities. The last school trip to kingcombe meadows we went hunting within the meadows for wild flowers with a check list, we also caught bugs within nets and did some fishing in the river. I had a small group of 5 children under my care and I helped them with their activities, encouraging them to figure out what bug the found or flower. I have also helped with a foundation school outing, this was up to the post box outside of the school gate and up the road to post their letters home, as part of their Post Office activities in class. I handed out high-viz vests to every child before we left and was put in charge of three children as we walked in a line up and back to the post box.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Digital Equity

Running head: Digital Age Grand Canyon University: With the increase of internet usage and the use of the digital technology consumers have impacted the way we look at health services and the health care delivery system. Because consumers are seeking health information online it makes use reevaluate the way we think of the medical information we receive from our primary care provider and the relationship between that provider and his patients. Many consumers seek information for themselves, for friends and family.Consumers seek health information via the web, phone, fax, email system, discussion boards, social networks, forums, and bulletin boards. The anticipated shifts in service are secondary to the lack of education, literacy skills, and mistrust of providers, poverty, and the lack of health coverage. â€Å"Consumers across all categories of age, education, income, race, ethnicity and health status increased their information seeking significantly, but education level remained t he key factor in explaining how likely people are to seek health information† (Tu, Cohen, 2008).A second reason for a change in service utilization is the high cost of medical treatment and the insurance premiums that patients must pay. With the increase of financial responsibility patients have an increase motivation to obtain health information and weigh in on their options for treatment and payment. By using the internet consumers have a valuable tool that empowers them, reduces social isolation, and helps consumers identify medical issues. One of the most critical ways in which the power of information can influence consumers is by finding ways to support the consumer emotionally.The District of Columbia and their federal government has released a new regional health information organization (RHIO) designed to improve the way health care is delivered. By encouraging the use of the Health information technology (HIT) they are improving care. The mission for the District of Columbia Primary Care Association (DCPCA) is to promote health care reform. The DCPCA accomplishes its mission by promoting the health equity of the poor, uninsured, and the underserved residents of the community. Through the mplementation of health reform the District of Columbia has worked to improve health care services through patient shared records, and clinical outcomes across the organization. â€Å"In 2009 health care reform asked us to do three things: (1) Improve the health of the population at large; (2) enhance the patient experience; and (3) reduce the per capita cost of care† (Baskerville ,S, 2011). With the recent improvement and emerging trends of advanced digital technology our older patients have the ability to research health information via the internet and web based technology.The web itself has changed the way our elderly population views diseases and conditions secondary to the way the information is displayed. By increasing what we view and how we view it, we as consumers turn to three major websites to seek medical information, Medline Plus, Health Finder, CAPHIS. Patients seek trust worthy health information for solutions and providing them with additional data in which to ask their medical provider. Medical websites are designed to enhance the ability of the disabled and the elderly through communication, social emotional support, and enhancing the patient provider relationship.The similarities of community health information network (CHIN) and health information network (HIN) is that they concentrate on helping services for a single community, while (RHIN) regional health information network concentrates on the social community. CHIN looks to improve efficiency, reduce care cost and enhance health care delivery. RHIN is considered a multi-stake holder organization. RHINO consist of hospitals, employers and payers, and small clinics. RHINO’s purpose is to encourage the adoption of health information technology.RHINOSâ⠂¬â„¢s main objective in the health administration is to improve quality of delivery patient care, network health information, patient customer service and reduce delivery care cost. References McGarth, N. (2010). Under pressure: The changing role of healthcare CIO. Retrieved from http://www. necelevateperformance. com/pdf/Healthcare/EIU_NEC_Whitepaper. pdf Tan, J. (2010). Adaptive health management info system. (3rd ed. ). Sudbury MA: Jones and Bartlett. Baskerville, S. (2011). Status of Health Care Reform Implementation in the District of Columbia. Retrieved May 13, 2012 from online article source:

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Stylish Dorm Room Decorations to Make It Feel Like Home

Stylish Dorm Room Decorations to Make It Feel Like Home A dorm room is a place that you spend much time in and which might tell a lot about your personality. Making this room feel like home is hard especially if you have a limited budget. But we have a few ideas for you on how you can make your room stylish and cozy. Moreover, some of these ideas are DIY, so you can create a magical interior without spending too much money on it. Style Unoccupied dorm rooms look the same with their ordinary sets of furniture and plain walls. But once a student moves in, the room can be given an ultimate makeover to fit the individuality of its inhabitant. There are a lot of interior design styles that can be applied to the dorm room. The most popular of the dorm room themes are: Scandinavian Boho Minimalism Shabby chic If you like the way certain interior looks, pay attention to the colors, forms, and objects associated with a certain style in order to be able to replicate it in the design of your dorm room. Save the pictures of the design that you like to get inspiration for your room makeover project. Lets take a look at some ideas of different interior design styles compilation made by Canvaspop: This infographic shows that plants, lamps and other small details play a significant role as they help to support the general style of the room and create the right mood. Textile The textile can totally transform a boring and plain room. It can be changed whenever you crave changes in the interior of your dorm room, reused in DIY projects or taken from home to help you when you feel homesick. Bedding: Pillows and Coverlets What textile can you use to decorate your dorm room? Pick some decorative pillows and a fancy rug to make your room cozier. Or, you can make some yourself. For example, you can write inspirational quotes on pillow covers using special fabric paints. Alongside with multiple color choices, there are also metallic colors – golden, copper, and silver, which will add a little chic. Fabric paints are non-toxic and dont fade when washing. Various handmade pillows can become cute college dorm decorations for everyone. Source: OrganizeYourStuffNow Watch a video on how you can customize your boring pillowcases to decorate your dorm room without spending too much money. And if you are on a tight budget and want to save money every day, check out our tips on inexpensive meals for college students. Coverlets and blankets are also great for everyone who needs to make the bed neat or get warm during cold evenings. Choose vibrant and contrast shades to add a pop of color if your room is rather monochrome or use pastel shades to make your interior calm and relaxing. Sources: Dormify and Mill Valley Rugs If you need a rug to put next to your bed, you can make it using your old T-shirts. Cut your old clothes in stripes and braid these stripes together. Then you can sew all of the braids together or glue them to the base (for example, the old towel or a piece of cardboard) to get a colorful and cute rug as your dorm room decor. Sources: Createwhimsy and DesignGalleryQatar Watch a detailed tutorial: Wall Decor If you want to change the setting of your dorm room quickly and without much effort, the easiest thing that you can do is to decorate your walls with various pieces of art that you can buy in the store or craft yourself using the ordinary materials. Prints and Posters Prints and posters are one of the most popular ways for students to decorate their dorm rooms. Posters are inexpensive and dont require being nailed to the wall, so you dont need to worry about the dorm deposit (only in the case when you want  to throw an unforgettable party in your dorm room). Source: Twitter Posters with inspirational quotes and favorite bands, movie or book characters can be placed anywhere in the room and changed for another poster if needed. So, make sure to look for the pieces that will brighten up your room and your mood. Many girls wonder â€Å"How do guys decorate their dorms?† Well, with posters and any other pieces of art just like the girls do. Any of the ideas in this article can be used in any dorm room as we picked suitable dorm room ideas for guys too. Decorative Lights The first thing that comes to mind when speaking about coziness is warm lighting. Making your place special and cozy can be easy if you have a few string lights to put around your bed or above your desk. Source: VirtualBuilding Source: BuzzFeed Wall Art Various pieces of art and dorm room wall decor can be found in stores, at garage sales, or you can craft them using the ordinary materials, for example, cardboard, threads, paper, corks, beads, etc. If you need some inspiration for your craft projects, look up some dorm room DIY decorating ideas on Pinterest or YouTube. For example, you can create a cork board to pin your schedule, pictures, etc. or a collage using pages from your favorite comic books. By the way, making such wall collages is a relaxing hobby. If you wonder what other interesting activities might become your hobbies, check out our list of weird students hobbies. Source: Pinterest And dont forget about your favorite photos of your friends and family. They can be placed on the wall as a collage or hung using clothespins and cord. Source: Pinterest If you dont have any experience in crafting, dont worry – you can always find a suitable piece in a store. Many students sell some of their belongings after graduation, so you can look for such announcements on bulletin boards or on social media. These were awesome dorm room ideas for every college student. We hope that they will help you decorate your dorm room and make it the way you want it to be. Be creative!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Soc crtq 2 Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Soc crtq 2 - Lab Report Example The last category is describes power to be controlled by a collection of interest groups that care for the economic and social welfare of the people. The author argues that the people running the corporate community and the growth coalition are the actual power dominators and describes them as the social elite. They account for only 1% of the total population yet their hold 15.7% of the total income. The focus of this article dangles around the identification of the people who control the 'superficial democracy' in United States. The author cites several studies done to investigate whether the power elites hold influential governmental offices. The results clearly show that these 'top level' people not only hold such offices, they also influence the policies to be made in the corporate world's welfare. People have the right to go against these practices and interest groups have tried to protect their rights, however, the top class maintains such terms that the lower class has to operate under them. The author further argues that the general public in the past has been able to extort the corporate world into giving them their rights by forming trade unions, observing strikes, staging sit-ins etc., nonetheless the corporations caved-in not because of the public pressure but m

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Illustrating Notoriety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Illustrating Notoriety - Essay Example To further illustrate notoriety, this paper will first look at the baseball which is regarded to have a long history of notoriety. The popularity of this sport in the United States takes its players in the limelight and gives the public the chance to closely scrutinize and form a collective opinion on their actions. During 2005, it can be recalled that Rafael Palmiero's was suspended due to his violation of the league's steroid policy. Before him, other players have already given a record of notoriety to the public. Thus, the audience has somehow taken it for granted that baseball players, famous as they are in the playing field are also famous because of their delinquency. It is also irrefutable that Al Qaeda, which was an unpopular Sunni Islamist organization, has become infamous because of the 9-11 tragedy in 2003. This group has aroused the rage of the global population by attacking the World Trade Center and The Pentagon. It can be recalled that this event left thousands of people died and while their families suffered. The popularity and the global sentiment stimulated by this event labeled Al-Qaeda as one of the most notorious terrorists in the world. Thus, Al-Qaeda embodies the essence and characteristics of being notorious. After illustrating notoriety by the use of two examples, it is also worthwhile to portray this concept by separating the two aspects necessary to c

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for your financial Assignment

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for your financial organisation for the 21st Century - Assignment Example suggests that corporations have a duty to society to act in ways that benefit everyone and promotes social justice—to try to neuter the capitalist impulses that allow companies to be competitive and make profits. Nevertheless, many companies have done it to try to burnish their reputations in crowded marketplaces. The truth is that there are many ways to go about instilling this kind of thinking within the company. Part of it can be external, with us investing in causes that we think are appropriate. Another way to do it is through values and codes of ethics. Some say that spending money on CSR is a waste and that we should focus on improving profitability and returning money to our shareholders. That idea may be short-sighted. As one leading researcher recently wrote: Opinion and research has been divided regarding the relationship between CSR and financial performance. On the one had, conventional wisdom would assume that CSR has been considered as a zero-sum tradeoff with profitability: more money spent on CSR means less spent on increasing market share, or re-investment. Conversely, academic thought has also suggested that those companies, who appear to be more responsible in the areas of environment and societal behavior, would more attractive for investors, and therefore perform better financially (Cavett-Goodwin 2007). All of these are important considerations as we look at the pluses and minuses of this possible strategy in the next section. We must be mindful that CSR is not zero-sum, but that everyone can benefit from using it. It can do a lot of good for a great many people. A question that has troubled many people since the dawn of time is how should a person lead a good, ethical life? Furthermore, how should a business behave in an ethical manner? There are as many theories as there are grains of sand on the beach, but a few ideas over the years have been more popular than others. Some people are born into religions where these questions are

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

My Life Learning Experience with R.S.V Essay Example for Free

My Life Learning Experience with R.S.V Essay R. S. V My Life Learning Experience with R. S. V Name Course Title Teacher Date Abstract Many individuals have experienced problems with their hospitals or health care facilities. An important concept that I learned from facing this family crisis that will be examined in this paper is that, when a family member becomes seriously ill, they need quality medical care. Sometimes, when a persons life is at stake, the further a person lives from medical facilities which can offer quality care can be a grave factor. R. S. V 1 R. S. V in Infants This paper will examine several lessons and concepts which I learned from personal life-learning experiences. Three examples that will be addressed in this paper will examine a different aspect of a certain life-learning experience. In researching and analyzing each aspect of a life-learning experience, this paper will examine the four elements of Kolbs Model of Experimental Learning. The first aspect of the lessons I learned after enduring a family crisis which this paper will explore includes how I learned about an illness that frequently affects infants called Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Respiratory Syncytial Virus, or RSV, is a respiratory virus which has many of the same symptoms as the common cold and is usually contracted by children during winter months. After my newborn son, Carter Forrest Barnhart began displaying symptoms of a common cold, my husband and I took Carter to his local pediatrician. Unfortunately, the pediatrician improperly diagnosed the virus as a simple common cold and sent Carter, my husband and I back home. However, after we returned home, his symptoms did not improve. Instead, he began coughing profusely and did not want to eat. I became greatly concerned about our sons health. Within a few days, Carter had lost weight and become weak. Then his breathing appeared to be abnormal, and my husband and I began to suspect that something else was wrong with Carter. R. S. V 2 By April 7th, 2002, Carters breathing problems got considerably worse, and my husband and I thought that he could possibly suffocate. So, in a desperate attempt to help Carters health, we brought our son to the nearest hospital. He was then hospital, arrangements needed to be made to send him to Charleston Area Medical Center. Carter later arrived safely at the Women and Childrens Hospital, a division of the Charleston Area Medical Center in Charleston, West Virginia. He was then placed in the hospitals Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, where he remained for five days. Looking back, I now realize the high importance of residing in communities which have high quality health care facilities. I learned that the first doctor who diagnosed my son did not diagnose Carter properly by failing to recognize that what looked like the common cold was actually Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). The pediatricians error could have cost my son his life. After Carter was taken to the emergency room at our local hospital, I learned that, when someones life is at stake, the distance from a medical facility which can provide quality care is sometimes a life and death matter. Thus, one of the lessons that I learned by this life-learning experience is that it is important for all individuals to have quick access to a state of the art hospital or medical facility. A medical facility must be able to provide the excellent care that a seriously ill R. S. V 3 ndividual needs. In this example, a baby needed to be treated by a special infant care unit, which our local hospitals did not have. Therefore, the baby did not have ready access to the kind of medical facility that he needed. The proper medical facility can mean the difference of life or death, thus, I now understand that the quality of the medical facilities, and the services received from those facilities provided, is one of the important issues facing people today. Learning about the importance of living near a high quality health care facility helped me become amiliar with the idea that a person should be fully educated about the health services in his or her community before something critical occurs. I regretted the fact that we were not more prepared to deal with this crisis. Thus, I have since learned that I need to research the qualifications of any professional my child will be receiving treatment from. In the future, I will research hospitals or schools before enrolling my child in them. I can also apply the concept that quality care is an important aspect of a persons life to other situations as well. For example, I will have o make sure that my child has a qualified pediatrician and dentist to take care of his health needs in the future. I will also have to ensure that my child gets his vaccinations. Moreover, I learned that there is no substitute for being prepared for an emergency situation. I plan on researching the response time of our police and fire departments and plan to learn about the efficiency of our ambulance services. Another part of the lessons I learned while confronting this family crisis is how I learned that high quality heath care is best provided by highly qualified doctors. I lso learned that an unqualified doctor may easily misdiagnose a patients symptoms. The discussion below will show how I have learned to ask questions before selecting a pediatrician. My son was initially treated by a pediatrician who misdiagnosed the babys medical symptoms and declared that our infant was we were told to take our child home and give him some cold medicine. This was our childs only treatment, and the medicine did not work. Carters symptoms did not improve after a reasonable period of time. Thus, my husband and I began to suspect that something else could be wrong. Then, when our baby turned pasty in color, started to cry inconsolably, refused to eat or drink anything, lost weight, and then hardly cried or moved in his crib, my husband and I became more concerned. We later learned that Carter had RSV and double pneumonia. Since then, I have spoken to many doctors about rural medicine. One of the doctors I spoke to that works at our local hospital explained in a recent personal interview which I conducted with him that many people do not ask enough questions of their doctors after they have been told the results of a diagnosis. He advised that potential atients should ask about all terms that describe the problem and that the doctor should fully explain the R. S. V 5 condition to the patient. More importantly, when the patient is a baby, the infants parents need to understand the complete diagnosis of their childs condition The doctor also said that a great deal of rural patients do not know how to properly ask their doctors specific questions related to the diagnosis. Therefore, rural doctors need to take more time to explain things to their patients, especially in cases where doctors are not absolutely sure of the diagnosis. I was also told that some patients have no reason to be told when something is misdiagnosed as nothing more than the common cold, especially when a childs doctor confidently tells an infants parents that the symptoms should improve when the baby took the cold medicine. The lesson is that parents must be very careful when choosing a pediatrician. I learned that a good pediatrician knows how to check a baby for a variety of diseases. In the case of my son, the first pediatrician failed to properly diagnose the baby because he was, at the very least, was not familiar with the symptoms of RSV. Thus, I learned that receiving treatment from a qualified pediatrician is an essential part of a childs health care. I also realized, in other areas of my life, I need to be certain that I am qualified to perform any Job that I might later want to undertake. So it is imperative that I take my education as serious as possible so that I will later be prepared to succeed in my chosen career. R. S. V6 Another important concept that I learned through my life-learning experience is that Just like other people, doctors make errors too. Unfortunately, a doctors mistake can cause the loss of ones life. Any professional should avoid making unnecessary mistakes at all times. Therefore, I would like to avoid making mistakes which would be considered negligence in my chosen career. Thus, I now believe that I need as much training in the field of health care management as possible, because that is the field which I intend to begin my professional career once I have received my Bachelors Degree. I also now would like to become actively involved in professional organizations and associations in which school friends and successful will help me exchange information with other health care management professionals hich will hopefully help me keep atop of current developments in my field. The third aspect of the lessons I learned which this paper will explore is that many rural health care facilities in America do not have up to date equipment. I also learned that, for the past several years, many local family health care facilities have suffered from recent cutbacks in federal grant money. This paper will now discuss my findings about the importance of selecting a health care facility which has up to date equipment and employees that keep on top of current developments in the medical ield. R. S. V7 Not only were the doctors more knowledgeable at the Women and Childrens Hospital in Charleston, but the doctors at the hospital in Charleston also had more current equipment and also performed their duties much more quickly and efficiently than the doctors at the local hospital. I learned that, when the life of a loved one is at stake, a hospital with modern equipment and trained staff can mean the difference between life and death. I also now believe that parents should visit the local hospitals before their first child is ever born to make sure those hospitals re not understaffed, dirty, or not funded properly. While larger hospitals may charge more money for visits, the money paid for a proper diagnosis at a quality facility is far less than the money one might pay if an illness is misdiagnosed. In addition, local medical care facilities need to provide quality, up to date services to their patients. In this situation, Carter needed to be treated in a special care unit in which patients are attached to electronic monitors which track vital functions as well as to other equipment that support breathing (Roberts, 1993, p. 170). Unfortunately, only larger acilities usually have modern pediatric intensive care units, and large hospitals are not all cities. I have learned that a high quality health care facility should have up to date equipment. Modern equipment is essential to provide patients with the best possible R. S. V8 health care. However, a lot of rural hospitals cannot afford this. The issue of a facility which does not have modern equipment is a very important one, and the concept applies to other situations which I may have to deal with later on. For instance, I will want to make sure that, any school my child is enrolled in should have adequate acilities. I will want to ensure that the school has smoke detectors in every classroom and that the fire extinguishers are in proper working order. This paper analyzed the various lessons and concepts that I learned from some life-learning experiences. Each of the papers three parts explored a different aspect of my experiences. This paper used the four elements of Kolbs Model of Experimental Learning to detail how I used the lessons during a family crisis. R. S. V9 References Mesa, CA: ICN Pharmaceuticals. Roberts, M. J. (1993). Your Money or Your Life: The Health Care Crisis Explained. New York: Doubleday.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Security information and event management

Security information and event management Introduction: Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) automates incident identification and resolution based on built in business rules to help improve compliance and alert staff to critical intrusions. IT audits, standards and regulatory requirements have now become an important part of most enterprises day-to-day responsibilities. As part of that burden, organizations are spending significant time and energy scrutinizing their security and event logs to track which systems have been accessed, by whom, what activity took place and whether it was appropriate. Organizations are increasingly looking towards data-driven automation to help ease the burden. As a result, the SIEM has taken form and has provided focused solutions to the problem. The security information and event management market is driven by an extremely increasing need for customers to meet compliance requirements as well as continued need for real-time awareness of external and internal threats. Customers need to analyze sec urity event data in real time (for threat management) and to analyze and report on log data and primarily this has made security information and event management market more demanding. The market remains fragmented, with no dominant vendor. This report entitled Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Solutions gives a clear view of the SIEM solutions and whether they can help to improve intrusion detection and response. Following this introduction is the background section which deeply analyzes the evolution of the SIEM, its architecture, its relationship with the log management and the need for SIEM products. In the analysis section, I have analyzed the SIEM functions in detail along with real world examples. Finally the conclusion section summarizes the paper. Background: What is SIEM? Security Information and Event Management solutions are a combination of two different products namely, SIM (security information management) and SEM (security event management). SIEM technology provides real-time analysis of security alerts generated by network hardware and applications. The objective of SIEM is to help companies respond to attacks faster and to organize mountains of log data. SIEM solutions come as software, appliances or managed services. Increasingly, SIEM solutions are being used to log security data and generate reports for compliance purposes. Though Security Information and Event Management and log management tools have been complementary for years, the technologies are expected to merge. Evolution of SIEM: SIEM emerged as companies found themselves spending a lot of money on intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS). These systems were helpful in detecting external attacks, but because of the reliance on signature-based engines, a large number of false positives were generated. The first-generation SIEM technology was designed to reduce this signal-to-noise ratio and helped to capture the most critical external threats. Using rule-based correlation, SIEM helped IT detect real attacks by focusing on a subset of firewall and IDS/IPS events that were in violation of policy. Traditionally, SIEM solutions have been expensive and time-intensive to maintain and tweak, but they solve the big headache of sorting through excessive false alerts and they effectively protect companies from external threats. While that was a step in the right direction, the world got more complicated when new regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard follo wed much stricter internal IT controls and assessment. To satisfy these requirements, organizations are required to collect, analyze, report on and archive all logs to monitor activities inside their IT infrastructures. The idea is not only to detect external threats, but also to provide periodic reports of user activities and create forensics reports surrounding a given incident. Though SIEM technologies collect logs, they process only a subset of data related to security breaches. They werent designed to handle the sheer volume of log data generated from all IT components, such as applications, switches, routers, databases, firewalls, operating systems, IDS/IPS and Web proxies. With an idea to monitor user activities rather than external threats, log management entered the market as a technology with architecture to handle much larger volumes of data and with the ability to extend to meet the demands of the largest enterprises. Companies implement log management and SIEM solutions to satisfy different business requirements, and they have also find out that the two technologies work well together. Log management tools are designed to collect report and archive a large volume and breadth of log data , whereas SIEM solutions are designed to correlate a subset of log data to point out the most critical security events. On looking at an enterprise IT arsenal, it is likely to see both log management and SIEM. Log management tools often assume the role of a log data warehouse that filters and forwards the necessary log data to SIEM solutions for correlation. This combination helps in optimizing the return on investment while also reducing the cost for implementing SIEM. In these tough economic times it is likely to see IT trying to stretch its logging technologies to solve even more problems. It will expect its log management and SIEM technologies to work closer together and reduce overlapping functionalities. Relation between SIEM and log management: Like many things in the IT industry, theres a lot of market positioning and buzz coming around regarding how the original term of SIM (Security Information Management), the subsequent marketing term SEM (Security Event Management), the newer combined term of SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) relate to the long standing process of log management. The basics of log management are not new. Operating systems, devices and applications all generate logs of some sort that contain system-specific events and notifications. The information in logs may vary in overall usefulness, but before one can derive much value out of them, they first need to be enabled, then transported and eventually stored. Therefore the way that one does gather this data from an often distributed range of systems and get it into a centralized (or at least semi-centralized) location is the first challenge of log management that counts. There are varying techniques to accomplish centralization, ranging from standardizing on the syslog mechanism and then deploying centralized syslog servers, to using commercial products to address the log data acquisition, transport and storage issues. Some of the other issues in log management include working around network bottlenecks, establishing reliable event transport (such as syslog over UDP), setting requirements around encryption, and managing the raw data storage issues. So the first steps in this process are figuring out what type of log and event information is in need to gather, how to transport it, and where to store it. But that leads to another major consideration about what should one person want to do with all those data. It is at this point where the basic log management ends and the higher-level functions associated with SIEM begins. SIEM products typically provide many of the features that remain essential for log management but add event-reduction, alerting and real-time analysis capabilities. They provide the layer of technology that allows one to say with confidence that not only are logs being gathered but they are also being reviewed. SIEM also allows for the importation of data that isnt necessarily even t-driven (such as vulnerability scanning reports) and it is known as the Information portion of SIEM. SIEM architecture: Long term log management and forensic queries need a database built for capacity, with file management and compression tools. Short term threat analysis and correlation need real time data, CPU and RAM. The solution for this is as follows: >Split the feeds to two concurrent engines. >Optimize one for real time and storage up to 30 days of data. (100-300GB) >Optimize the second for log compression, retention, and query functions. (1TB+) The block diagram showing the architecture of the SIEM is as follows: [Source: Reference 2] A collector is a process that gathers data. Collectors are produced in many shapes and sizes from agents that run on the monitored device, to centralized logging devices with pre-processors to split stream the data. These can be simple REGEX file parsing applications, or complex agents for OPSEC, LEA, for .Net/WMI, SDEE/RDEP, or ODBC/SQL queries. Not all security devices are kind enough to forward data, and multiple input methods, including active pull capabilities, are very essential. Also, since SYSLOG data is not encrypted, it may need a collector to provide encrypted transport. A threat analysis engine will need to run in real time, continuously processing and correlating events of interest passed to it by the collector, and reporting to a console or presentation layer application about the threats found. Typically reporting events that has happened for 30 days are sufficient for operational considerations. A log manager will need to store a great deal of data, and may take either raw logs or filtered events of interest, and need to compress store and index the data for long term forensic analysis and compliance reporting. Capacity for 18 months or more of data is likely to be required. Year end closing of books and the arrival of the auditors often necessitate the need for 12 months of historic data plus padding of several months while books are finalized and an audit to be completed. At the presentation layer a console will present the events to the security staff and managers. This is the primary interface to the system for day to day operations, and should efficiently prioritize and present the events with a full history and correlation rationale. SIEM functions: With some subtle differences, there are four major functions of SIEM solutions. They are as follows: 1. Log Consolidation centralized logging to a server 2. Threat Correlation the artificial intelligence used to sort through multiple logs and log entries to identify attackers 3. Incident Management workflow What happens once a threat is identified? (link from identification to containment and eradication). Notification email, pagers, informs to enterprise managers (MOM, HP Openview) Trouble Ticket Creation Automated responses execution of scripts (instrumentation) Response and Remediation logging 4. Reporting Operational Efficiency/Effectiveness Compliance / SOX, HIPPA, FISMA. Ad Hoc / Forensic Investigations Coming to the business case for SIEM, all engineers are perpetually drawn to new technology, but purchasing decisions should by necessity be based on need and practicality. Even though the functions provided by SIEM are impressive they must be chosen only if they fit an enterprises needs. Why use a SIEM? There are two branches on the SIEM tree namely, operational efficiency and effectiveness, and log management/compliance. Both are achievable with a good SIEM tool. However since there is a large body of work on log management, and compliance has multiple branches, this coursework will focus only on using a SIEM tool effectively to point out the real attackers, and the worst threats to improve security operations efficiency and effectiveness. It can be believed that the most compelling reason for a SIEM tool from an operational perspective is to reduce the number of security events on any given day to a manageable, actionable list, and to automate analysis such that real attacks and intruders can be discerned. As a whole, the number of IT professionals, and security focused individuals at any given company has decreased relative to the complexity and capabilities demanded by an increasingly inter networked web. While one solution may have dozens of highly skilled security engineers on staff pouring through individual event logs to identify threats, SIEM attempts to automate that process and can achieve a legitimate reduction of 99.9+% of security event data while it actually increases the effective detection over traditional human driven monitoring. This is why SIEM is preferred by most of the companies. Reasons to use a SIEM: To know the need for a SIEM tool in an organization is very important. A defense in depth strategy (industry best practice) utilizes multiple devices: Firewalls, IDS, AV, AAA, VPN, User Events LDAP/NDS/NIS/X.500, Operating System Logs which can easily generate hundreds of thousands of events per day, in some cases, even millions. No matter how good a security engineer is, about 1,000 events per day is a practical maximum that a security engineer is about to deal with. So if the security team is to remain small they will need to be equipped with a good SIEM tool. No matter how good an individual device is, if not monitored and correlated, each device can be bypassed individually, and the total security capabilities of a system will not exceed its weakest link. When monitored as a whole, with cross device correlation, each device will signal an alert as it is attacked raising awareness and threat indications at each point allowing for additional defences to be brought into play, and i ncident response proportional to the total threat. Even some of the small and medium businesses with just a few devices are seeing over 100,000 events per day. This has become usual in most of the companies says the internet. Real world examples: Below are event and threat alert numbers from two different sites currently running with 99.xx% correlation efficiency on over 100,000 events per day, among which one industry expert referred to as amateur level, stating that 99.99 or 99.999+% efficiency on well in excess of 1,000,000 events per day is more common. Manufacturing Company Central USA 24 hour average, un-tuned SIEM day of deployment Alarms Generated 3722 Correlation Efficiency 99.06% Critical / Major Level Alerts 170 Effective Efficiency 99.96% [Source: Reference 2] In this case, using a SIEM allows the companys security team (2 people in an IT staff of 5), to respond to 170 critical and major alerts per day (likely to decrease as the worst offenders are firewalled out, and the worst offenses dealt with), rather than nearly 400,000. Financial Services Organization 94,600 events 153 actionable alerts 99.83% reduction. [Source: Reference 2] The company above deals with a very large volume of financial transactions, and a missed threat can mean real monetary losses. With respect to the Business Case, a good SIEM tool can provide the analytics, and the knowledge of a good security engineer can be automated and repeated against a mountain of events from a range of devices. Instead of 1,000 events per day, an engineer with a SIEM tool can handle 100,000 events per day (or more). And a SIEM does not leave at night, find another job, take a break or take vacations. It will be working always. SIEM Selection Criteria: The first thing one should look at is the goal. (i.e.) what should the SIEM do for them. If you just need log management then make the vendor can import data from ALL of the available log sources. Not all events are sent via SYSLOG. Some may be sent through: Checkpoint LEA Cisco IDS RDEP/SDEE encryption Vulnerability Scanner Databases Nessus, Eeye, ISS AS/400 Mainframes flat files Databases ODBC/SQL queries Microsoft .Net/WMI Consider a product that has a defined data collection process that can pull data (queries, retrieve files, WMI api calls), as well as accept input sent to it. And it is essential to be aware that logs, standards, and formats change, several (but not all), vendors can adapt by parsing files with REGEX and importing if one can get them a file. However log management itself is not usually an end goal. It matters about for what purpose these logs are used for. They may be used for threat identification, compliance reporting or forensics. It is also essential to know whether the data captured is in real-time. If threat identification is the primary goal, 99+% correlation/consolidation/aggregation is easily achievable, and when properly tuned, 99.99+% efficiency is within reach (1-10 actionable threat alerts / 100,000 events). If compliance reporting is the primary goal, then consider what regulations one is subject to. Frequently a company is subject to multiple compliance requirements. Consider a fortune 500 company like General Electrics. As a publicly traded company GE is subject to SOX, as a vendor of medical equipment and software they are subject to HIPPA, as a vendor to the Department of Defense, they are subject to FISMA. In point of fact, GE must produce compliance reports for at least one corporate division for nearly each and every regulation. Two brief notes on compliance, and one should look at architecture: Beware of vendors with canned reports. While they may be very appealing, and sound like a solution, valid compliance and auditing is about matching output to ones stated policies, and must be customized to match each companys published policies. Any SIEM that can collect all of the required data, meet ISO 177999, and provide timely monitoring can be used to aid in compliance. Compliance i s a complex issue with many management, and financial process requirements, it is not just a function or report IT can provide. Advanced SIEM Topics: Risk Based Correlation / Risk Profiling Correlation based on risk can dramatically reduce the number of rules required for effective threat identification. The threat and target profiles do most of the work. If the attacks are risk profiled, three relatively simple correlation rules can identify 99%+ of the attacks. They are as follows: IP Attacker repeat offenders IP Target repeat targets Vulnerability Scan + IDS Signature match Single Packet of Doom Risk Based Threat Identification is one of the more effective and interesting correlation methods, but has several requirements: >A Metabase of Signatures Cisco calls the attack X, ISS calls it Y, Snort calls it Z Cross Reference the data >Requires automated method to keep up to date. >Threats must be compiled and threat weightings applied to each signature/event. Reconnaissance events are low weighting but aggregate and report on the persistent (low and slow) attacker Finger Printing a bit more specific, a bit higher weighting Failed User Login events a medium weighting, could be an unauthorized attempt to access a resource, or a forgotten password. Buffer Overflows, Worms and Viruses -high weighting -potentially destructive events one need to respond to unless one has already patched/protected the system. >The ability to learn or adjust to ones network Input or auto-discover which systems, are business critical vs. which are peripherals, desktops, and non-essential >Risk Profiling: Proper application of trust weightings to reporting devices (NIST 800-42 best practice), can also help to lower cry wolf issues with current security management Next-generation SIEM and log management: One area where the tools can provide the most needed help is in compliance. Corporations increasingly face the challenge of staying accountable to customers, employees and shareholders, and that means protecting IT infrastructure, customer and corporate data, and complying with rules and regulations as defined by the government and industry. Regulatory compliance is here to stay, and under the Obama administration, corporate accountability requirements are likely to grow. Log management and SIEM correlation technologies can work together to provide more comprehensive views to help companies satisfy their regulatory compliance requirements, make their IT and business processes more efficient and reduce management and technology costs in the process. IT organizations also will expect log management and intelligence technologies to provide more value to business activity monitoring and business intelligence. Though SIEM will continue to capture security-related data, its correlation engine can be re-appropriated to correlate business processes and monitor internal events related to performance, uptime, capability utilization and service-level management. We will see the combined solutions provide deeper insight into not just IT operations but also business processes. For example, we can monitor business processes from step A to Z and, if a step gets missed, well see where and when. In short, by integrating SIEM and log management, it is easy to see how companies can save by de-duplicating efforts and functionality. The functions of collecting, archiving, indexing and correlating log data can be collapsed. That will also lead to savings in the resources required and in the maintenance of the tools. CONCLUSION: SIEM is a complex technology, and the market segment remains in flux. SIEM solutions require a high level of technical expertise and SIEM vendors require extensive partner training and certification. SIEM gets more exciting when one can apply log-based activity data and security-event-inspired correlation to other business problems. Regulatory compliance, business activity monitoring and business intelligence are just the tip of the iceberg. Leading-edge customers are already using the tools to increase visibility and the security of composite Web 2.0 applications, cloud-based services and mobile devices. The key is to start with a central record of user and system activity and build an open architecture that lets different business users access the information to solve different business problems. So there is no doubt in SIEM solutions helping the intrusion detection and response to improve. References: 1. Nicolett.M., Williams.A.T., Proctor.P.E. (2006) Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management, 1H06 RA3 1192006. 2. Swift.D. (2006) A Practical Application of SIM/SEM/SIEM Automating Threat Identification 3. SIEM: A Market Snapshot (2007) from http://www.crn.com/security/197002909;jsessionid=BVQXTH11HH14JQE1GHPSKH4ATMY32JVN [Date Accessed: 20th November,2009]. 4. WHAT IS SIEM (2008) from http://www.exploresiem.com/resource-center.html [Date Accessed: 24th November, 2009]. 5. Securing and Managing Your Enterprise: An Integrated Approach (2008) from http://www.exploresiem.com/images/WP-Securing-and-Managing-Your-Enterprise.pdf [Date Accessed: 25th November, 2009]. 6. Shipley .G.(2008) Are SIEM and log management the same thing? from http://www.networkworld.com/reviews/2008/063008-test-siem-log-integration.html [Date Accessed: 26th November, 2009] 7. Levin.D. (2009) The convergence of SIEM and log management from http://www.networkworld.com/news/tech/2009/031909-tech-update.html [Date Accessed: 26th November, 2009]